Sunday, July 25, 2010

The hardest wait ever

37 weeks 3 days
The room is complete. The bags are packed. Everything is ready. Now we wait. Will he come tonight? Will he come tomorrow? Or will he make us wait until Aug. 11? Or even later? Hardest wait of our lives.

I was pretty sure I would never be ready for labor. Ever. I was pretty sure I would never be ready to push a giant, living being out of my body. Well....I'm ready. I'm ready for it all to begin. I've never been more ready to experience pain in my life. How did I get to this point?? Me the girl who cries over a splinter is ready to give birth.
I'll tell you how this happened and it's not because my feet don't even fit into flip flops anymore it's because of this ......

This is what I see every time I go to the bathroom, our cabinet full of baby bath supplies! It's pure torture. And yes I realize I have way more baby soap than I can ever use.....people like to give baby soap as gifts!

I also wanted to share my favorite part of the baby's room. His iPod dock!!! It changes color. So now we're able to download his music (Baby Einstien :)) or white noise straight to our iPods and hook it right up in his room. Mark's even got lullaby versions of some of his favorite rock bands ready to go. And those in front are his baby legs :) Love them too.

So now I sit here on the couch with our bags packed, hair washed, belly full and wonders......when's it going to be ???

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