Friday, February 19, 2010

Public apologies

Let's talk about Tiger Woods. The strong opinions expressed below are mine and mine alone. If you don't agree with me sorry I'm not changing my mind. :)

I feel that private life should remain private, Tiger has put his on display and therefore opened his life to public comment (just like the Duggars but I won't open that can this post at least :) )  and so I must comment on it.

Tiger is a douche. I think his apology was just a publicity move to appease his sponsors and managers. If he were really sorry he wouldn't have had MULTIPLE affairs with strippers and hookers! These weren't just the desperate housewives next door some of these people were professionals!  MAYBE you could make an excuse for an affair or two (My husband couldn't but maybe some could) but you definitely can't make a good excuse for double digit affairs. That's doesn't happen by accident. 

If he were apologetic he would have admitted his affair (not plural) to his wife and they (if she chose) could have worked through it BUT once you commit double digit affairs with hookers and strippers it's time to hand over your millions and move out. 

His wife is not only entitled to his millions but she should also be allowed to smack him a good time with his golf club. Good for her for chasing him out of the house with a club. (No Tiger we don't buy that she didn't hit you with it) I think if she had run him over with the car he was driving I would still be thinking 'That's what you get.' 

And as for the former exotic dancer who now wants an apology from Mr. Tiger for  the public embarrassment she's suffered I say ..... Deal with it. You slept with a married man. This wasn't just a married man you met at a bar with no wedding band. This was Tiger freaking Woods. His wedding was national news. The birth of his children was national news.  If I were Tiger's wife after I beat him with the club I would be hunting you down too. You don't get to cry on national TV over the embarrassment that has come to you. If anyone should be crying over embarrassment it should be Tiger's WIFE..... Her husband just slept with all the hookers and strippers in the Tri-county area while she was at home raising two babies!

And for those that suggest sex addiction......I call foul. That's just a cop out for selfish men who were caught.

So Tiger......I as a representative of America, whom you were addressing, do not accept your apology. You are still a douche. Admit your mistakes and go back to your golf course.

Elin if you were my friend I would carry the golf clubs for you while you went to beat him with them.

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