What was the first thing you did or your first reaction when you got your BFP? After testing, I crawled back into bed for sure I was moving onto cycle 12, so with the covers on my head I hear Mark yell out that I HAVE to come in there and check out this test because 'There is totally something on here!' After multiple positive tests (and some consulting with some internet friends) we couldn't believe our eyes.
Describe your pregnancy in two adjectives. awesome, happiness
Did you know ahead of time if it was a boy or girl? What was your reaction when you found out? Yes, as soon as the picture flashed on the screen the word BOY popped into my head. I immediately looked at Mark and I think we both had a tear. Pure joy.
What made you decide on their name? We were right up until the last week finalizing the name. The whole time we were trying for a baby we said his name would be Merrick (or Marek) and Mark wanted to honor his father, so Kenneth Merrick.
What was the name going to be if it was the opposite sex? Lillian
What week were you when your LO was born? 40 week 2 days pregnant (Friday the 13th)
Was your delivery how you envisioned it? Nope
Who was in the delivery room? Mark was the only one in there for the delivery
Who cut the cord? Doctor Merrick was in distress.
Did you enjoy your maternity leave? After the first two weeks and some good drugs....I enjoyed every minute of it :)
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